News & Media
Links to selected news from my work

I am excited to share that I have been selected as a 2025 ESA Excellence in Ecology (EEE) Scholar by the Ecological Society of America (ESA). This prestigious scholarship recognizes early- to mid-career Ph.D. ecologists from groups traditionally underrepresented in science.
I am deeply grateful to the ESA for this honor, which provides valuable support for research, speaking engagements, and family-care resources. I look forward to continuing my work in disease ecology and contributing to the broader ecological community.

I received the Outreach 2024 Grant from the British Ecological Society. This funding will support the development of “Ecologia por Elas,” a new activity within the Mulheres na Ecologia project aimed at fostering inclusivity and scientific engagement.
I am deeply grateful to the BES for this grant, which provides valuable support for our outreach project. I look forward to continuing my working and contributing to the broader ecological community.

"The promise of community-driven preprints in ecology and evolution"
A collaborative effort with Daniel W. A. Noble, Malgorzata Lagisz, and other colleagues.

Exciting news!
Our research
was published in
Royal Society
Open Science
"Social interactions do not affect mycoplasma infection in griffon vultures"
A collaborative effort with Nili Anglister, Inna Lysnyansky, Inna Mikula, Marta Acácio, Gideon Vaadia, Kaija Gahm, Orr Spiegel, and Noa Pinter-Wollman.

The Ecological Society of America (ESA) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization of scientists founded in 1915 to:
promote ecological science by improving communication among ecologists;
raise the public’s level of awareness of the importance of ecological science;
increase the resources available for the conduct of ecological science; and
ensure the appropriate use of ecological science in environmental decision making by enhancing communication between the ecological community and policy-makers.

"We are stronger together: building community to face barriers for Latin American and underrepresented ecologists"
A collaborative effort with Diogo B. Provete, Sebastian Moreno, Luis Y. Santiago-Rosario, and Shersingh Joseph Tumber-Dávila.
In 2024, the Disease Ecology Section of the Ecological Society of America honored me with an Honorable Mention Award for Best Student Paper for my Ph.D. research publication in Systematic Biology.
I am deeply grateful to the ESA Disease Ecology Section for this recognition, which provides valuable support for my work. I look forward to continuing my research in disease ecology.

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion within SORTEE’s activities and committees.
Current members are:
Chair: Brooke Long-Fox
Co-Chair: Friederike (Freddy) Hilleman
Charlotte Recapet
Elvira D’Bastiani
Frigg Speelman
Malika Ihle
Manasee Weerathunga
Sarah Hasnain
Sofia Paraskevopoulou
Suz Everingham

"Can AI interpretation increase inclusivity?"
A collaborative effort with
Heather Fair, Osmary A Medina-Báez, Barbara J Spiecker, Qingyu Gan, Yan Yin “Jenny” Cheung,
and Gregory R Goldsmith

From the field and lab to the heart of government, the BES convenes expert voices, collates the evidence and makes clear recommendations to influence change through science.
Founded over a century ago, the BES was the first Society in the world committed to understanding our earth through ecology, the science studying the relationship between living things and their environment. That commitment remains today with a global community spanning 120 countries and a strategic mission to find ecological solutions for a planet under threat.

Congratulations to Elvira D'Bastiani from the Pinter-Wollman for receiving an Honorable Mention Award

I was awarded a grant for in-person registration to attend the 109th Ecological Society of America Meeting. This grant facilitated my participation and allowed me to share my latest research findings with the broader scientific community.
At the 109th Ecological Society of America Meeting, my presentation, “Host-switching events affect the evolution of the network of interactions” (COS 289-4), was recognized as the Best Talk by the Latin America & the Caribbean Chapter, celebrating my scientific research.
I am deeply grateful to the ESA Latin America & the Caribbean Chapter for this award, which provides valuable support for my research. I look forward to continuing my work in ecology.

I was awarded a grant for in-person registration to attend the 108th Ecological Society of America Meeting. This opportunity enabled me to connect with other ecologists and present my work to an international audience.

EcoEvoRxiv (EcoEvo“archive”) is a not-for-profit subject-matter specific research repository for works related to ecology, evolution and conservation and is the official preprint server of SORTEE.
Current members are:
Chair: Daniel Noble (Website)
Co-Chair: Stefan Vriend
Birgit Szabo
Elvira D’Bastiani
Félicie Dhellemmes
Jenna Braun
Mark Young
Marta Acácio
Melina de Souza Leite
Nicholas Wu
Niladri Mondal
Pablo Recio Santiago
Yseult Héjja-Brichard
Brooke Long-Fox

Pesquisa investiga como a mudança de hospedeiros por parasitos pode ser facilitada por mudanças no ambiente e como isso pode aumentar o aparecimento de doenças infecciosas.

A dança das cadeiras de parasitos e seus hospedeiros

"Effect of Host-Switching on the Ecological and Evolutionary Patterns of Parasites"
A collaborative effort with Débora Princepe, Flavia M D Marquitti, Walter A Boeger, Karla M Campião, and Sabrina B L Araujo

"Unraveling the trophic guild structure of Neotropical Carnivora: diet specializations, spatial variation, and phylogenetic drivers"
A collaborative effort with Lorena Metz, Emygdio Leite de Araujo Monteiro-Filho, Roberto Fusco-Costa, and Andre Andrian Padial
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Fieldwork & lab
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